Saturday, November 5, 2011

SuG and Other Things

First off, I shall supply the masses with a SuG PV! Too bad there's no one here XP. That means I can just say WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT!

Anyway, the song itself was ... whatever. I was never that interested in SuG, but I can see that whatever made them popular is starting to fade, music-wise. However, the PV fit the song so well. Wait, it was actually better than the song. The PV was colorful, creative, exciting ... whatever the song wasn't. Now I actually like the song, but only with the PV. Sad, huh? The last single I liked from these guys was Gimme Gimme, and that was because it's going to be the theme for "Pole Dancing Boys."

So, without further ado, the PV! Go do the only thing someone reading this post would do!

Part 4

Now, I WILL actually try to write to increase what writing ability I have left against the onslaught of computer testing. This is why Computer nerds seem so awkward, with the shit we gotta put up with, I don't have time to deal with artsy stuff. Ugggh I miss artsy stuff. I'll see if I can do a post by mid-November. FIGHTING!~

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