Friday, September 2, 2011

Changing the Deadline

Because I'm a lazy bastard of time constraints and my comp. teacher's sudden urge to demand his students to know every single damn thing about routers in a 2-week time-frame, I've been studying like the nerdy Asian kid stereotype I like to avoid.

Seriously though, it's unbelievable how I've been drafting my first "serious" post for days, only to scrap it. I feel like stopping, but I really want to go through with this idea. I'm not too good with writing, but there are issues about the Visual Kei scene that I want to point out in good spirits, in order to inspire to change, not degrading and belittling it.

Anyway, in order to end things on a note related to music (a music note! Anybody?), I listened to the GazettE's new single (like every other J Rock fan on the planet did) today. The lead single is alright (an improvement compared to when they first debuted on a major label), but overall it's pretty good. They're getting back in their groove now! I especially like" CLEVER MONKEY, " it's kickass!

I think I may be the only female GazettE fan that named this pic "sure," as I'm certain that the majority named it "CFHYJGVFHJYCJ FUCK YEA!" I just couldn't end this post without a picture!

Okay, I'm procrastinating on that special post by adding random shit on here on a blog no one would read (not like there's anything on here XD), on to writing!

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